Manual Adjustment Block Planes
No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 33, No. 68, No. 87, No. 700, No. 707, No. 8707, No. 9033
This page will highlight the block planes made by Millers Falls with irons that are completely adjusted manually. These planes will have a fixed mouth with either a bevel-up 20 degrees bedding angle or a bevel-down 45 degree bedding angle. All the manual adjustment planes on this page except for the No. 68 and the No. 9033 have a cast strike button on the heel to retract the iron using a small brass hammer.
The links on this page are the same links on the main block plane page. This is a way to show different planes with the same functionality. Use the quick links above to go directly to a plane or click on a picture for a detailed description of that plane. To return to this page, use the browser back button or go to the main block plane page from the header and select the Manual Adjustment link.
3-3/8 X 1” squirrel tail 45 degree plane
4” X 1-1/8” bullnose 45 degree plane
5-1/2” X 1-3/8” 20 degree plane
3-3/8” X 1” 45 degree plane
8” X 1-5/8” 20 degree plane
7-1/8” X 1-5/8” 20 degree plane
7” X 1-5/8” 20 degree plane
7” X 1-5/8” 20 degree plane
7” X 1-5/8” 20 degree plane
3-1/2” X 1” 45 and 20 degree plane
Manual Adjustment Examples

Part of the manual adjustment group

These are the smaller one handed planes