A casting number or a stamp can help you date a tool

 A bench plane is made up of three cast iron parts. The block plane has two to four cast iron parts. Each of these parts have a casting number assigned to it. Millers Falls was not consistent stamping or embossing the casting number on the different plane parts. A couple of examples would be that the No. 8 lever cap almost never has a casting number, but the #9 lever cap has had a casting number from day 1.

In the early years, especially on the body of both bench and block planes, the casting number was not embossed on the bed. What you would see is a single number on the bed. We know at the foundry they used a template to form the cavity in the molds. Was this single number the template identifying number? Moving into the 40’s, the bodies start to show the casting numbers and by 1949 onward, the casting number is standard on most of the bodies.

In the table below, there are eight sections for the different cast iron parts. Each section is ordered by the casting number. If a part is found with a casting number, it is listed under the “Validate Part” column. Cast iron parts that have never been found with a casting number will be listed under the “Unknown Part” column.

Casting numbers found on plane parts

Millers Falls Plane Casting Numbers

Casting #

Part Name

Validated Part

Unknown Part

300 Body Bench #7
301 Body Bench #8
302 Body Bench #9, #90, #900
303 Body Bench #10
304 Body Bench #11
305 Body Bench #14, #140, #814
306 Body Bench #15
307 Body Bench #18
308 Body Bench #22
309 Body Bench #24
364 Body Scrub #9-1/2
1215 Body Bench #709
1216 Body Bench #714
41013 Body Bench #9B - 302 was also on body
? Body Bench #10-1/2
? Body Bench #209
84 Body Block #700MS
346 Body Block #17, #37 #27
349 Body Block #56 #46
355 Body Block #66,#1455, #1455B
374 Body Block #4 - Upper half
375 Body Block #4 - Lower half
379 Body Block #33
380 Body Block #5
383 Body Block #55
385 Body Block #87
388 Body Block #97
391 Body Block #07
395 Body Block #75, #75B, #9775
493 Body Block #700M, #707
493A Body Block #700MF
497 Body Block #16, #16C, #16CG, #36 #26
498 Body Block #87
498A Body Block #87
41142 Body Block #1455B - Previously 355
41143 Body Block #707 - Previously 493
41144 Body Block #56B
? Body Block #3
? Body Block #45
? Body Block #47, #57
? Body Block #68
? Body Block #8455
315 Frog #7
316 Frog #8, #11
317 Frog #9, #14, #209, #900MS, #814MS
318 Frog #15
319 Frog #10, #18, #22
320 Frog #24
496A Frog #9, #14, #900, #814 - Previous 317
496 Frog #9, #14, #90, #90CBG, #140, #140CBG
496 Frog #900MF, #814MF previous 496A
9146 Frog #8900
32686 Frog #9B, #14B, #900B
40023 Frog #709, #714 (Alum)
257 Lever Cap Bench - 1-3/4" Dunlap #3726 3DBB
258 Lever Cap Bench - 2" Dunlap #3738 4DBB
260 Lever Cap Bench - 1-3/4" Craftsman Type 11,12 and 15
261 Lever Cap Bench - 2" Craftsman Type 11,12 and 15
262 Lever Cap Bench - 2-3/8" Craftsman Type 11, 12 and 15
332 Lever Cap Bench - 1-5/8" #7
333 Lever Cap Bench - 1-3/4" #8, #11
334A Lever Cap Bench - 2" #9, #14, #209
334 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #9, #14
335 Lever Cap Bench - 2-1/4" #15
336 Lever Cap Bench - 2-3/8" #10, #18, #22
337 Lever Cap Bench - 2-5/8" #24
359 Lever Cap Bench - 2-3/8" Dunlap 6DBB
365 Lever Cap Scrub-2-1/4" Thumb Screw #9-1/2
387 Lever Cap Bench - 2" Fulton #3710
397 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #814MS, #900MS
397 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #814MFT2A, #900MFT2A
397 Lever Cap Bench - 2" Fulton #5260, #5262, #3710, #3711
398 Lever Cap Bench - 2" Craftsman Type 6 and 7
399 Lever Cap Bench - 2-3/8" Craftsman Type 6 and 7
400 Lever Cap Bench - 1-3/4" Fulton #3709, #5272
401 Lever Cap Bench - 1-5/8" Fulton #3708
494 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #90, #90B, #90CBG, #140, #140CBG,
494 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #814, #814B, #900, #900B
494 Lever Cap Bench - 2" Worthington400W, Sears37033
495 Lever Cap Bench - 2" Craftsman #3742, 4CBB
942 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #814MF, #900MF Previous 397
1218 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #709, #714
4940 Lever Cap Bench - 2"
4927 Lever Cap Bench - 1-3/4" #8B
4928 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #9B, #14B
4929 Lever Cap Bench - 2-3/8" #22-01-GD, 22CBG
32888 Lever Cap Bench - 2" #9B, 14B
? Lever Cap Bench #10-1/2
344 Lever Cap-Block - Cam 1-5/8" #16, #16C, #16CG, #17, #26, #27, #75, #9775 #57, #75B
344 Lever Cap-Block - Cam 1-5/8" Sears #37031, Fulton #3701, Craftsman #3704
351 Lever Cap Block - Cam 1-3/8 #56 #45, #46, #56B, #66, #1455, #1455B
376 Lever Cap Block - Thumb Screw 1-1/8" #4
381 Lever Cap Block - Wheel Screw 1-3/8" #5, #55
386 Lever Cap Block - Wheel Screw 1-5/8" #68, #87, #97, #700MS, #700MF, #707
386 Lever Cap Block - Wheel Screw 1-5/8" Fulton #5252
392 Lever Cap Block - Skew 1-5/8" #07
29184 Lever Cap Block - Wheel Screw 1-5/8" #707 - Previously #386
32706 Lever Cap Block - Cam 1-5/8" #75-01-B
? Lever Cap Block - Thumb Screw 1" #3, #33
343 Mouth Plate - 1-5/8x1-3/4 #16, #16CG, #26, #36, #47, #57
343 Mouth Plate - 1-5/8x1-3/4 Craftsman #3732, #37032
347 Mouth Plate - 1-5/8x2 #17, #37 #27
350 Mouth Plate - 1-3/8x1-1/4 #56 #46
29235 Mouth Plate - 1-3/8x1-1/4 #56B
356 Iron Depth Adjusting Seat #46, #47, #56, #57, #66, #1455, #206B
356 Iron Depth Adjusting Seat Craftsman #3732
396 Iron Depth Adjusting Seat #45, #75
360 Scraper Base #64
363 Scraper Base #65
368 Router Open Throat Base #67
371 Router Open Throat Shoe #67
373 Router closed Throat Base #77