This page will list diameter, thread count and length of all the screws and bolts used on Millers Falls planes. The most common thread direction found on most of the bolts, screws and nuts will be right hand thread. Any left hand thread direction will be noted with LH. Also note that the company changed the thread count on several tools during production. The date range will be used to distinguish the different specifications.

Bench Planes

1. Lever Cap Screw – All planes – 9/32-24 X 1”
2. Chip Breaker Screw – All planes – 5/16-18 X 3/16
3. Frog Locking Screws
A. All planes before 1964 – 12-20 X 5/8”
B. All planes after 1964(B version) – 12-24 X 5/8”
4. Frog Adjuster Screw – 1/4-24 X ?
5. Frog Adjuster Tab Screw – 12-24 X ?
6. Threaded Adjusting Rod – 9/32-24 X 1-1/4” LH
7. Depth Adjusting Nut – 9/32-24 LH
8. Tote Screw – All Larger planes – 12-24 X 1/2"
9. Tote Bolt No. 7, 8, 9, 11, 209, 90, 900
A. 1929-1941,1949-1964 – DT - 12-20 X 3-11/16”
B. 1942-1948 – One Piece - 12-20 X 3-13/16”
C. 1965 on – One Piece B version - 12-24 X 4”
10. Tote Bolt No. 10, 14, 15, 18, 22, 24, 140, 814
A. 1929-1941,1949-1964 – DT- 12-20 X 4-3/16”
B. 1942-1948 – One Piece - 12-20 X 4-3/16”
C. 1965 on – One Piece B version - 12-24 X 4”
11. Knob Bolt No. 7, 8, 9, 11, 209, 90, 900
A. 1929-1941,1949-1964 – DT - 12-20 X 2-3/16”
B. 1942-1948 – One Piece - 12-20 X 2-5/16”
C. 1965 on – One Piece B version - 12-24 X 2-5/16”
12. Knob Bolt No. 10, 14, 15, 18, 22, 24, 140, 814
A. 1929-1941,1949-1964 – DT - 12-20 X 2-3/8”
B. 1942-1948 – One Piece - 12-20 X 2-1/2”
C. 1965 on – One Piece B Version - 12-24 X 2-5/16”
13. Waist Nut - 1929-1941,1949-1964 – 12-20

Block Planes

1. Vertical Threaded Rod
No.16,17,26,27,36,37,206–9/32 - 24 X 1-1/4”
2. Depth Adjusting Nut
No. 16, 17, 26, 27, 36, 37, 206 – 9/32-24
3. Lever Cap Screw
A. No. 46, 47, 56, 57, 66, 1455 – 9/32-24 X 1/2”
B. No. 206B, 9775 – 9/32-24 X 5/8
C. No. 07, 16, 17, 26, 27, 45,47, 75 - 9/32-24 X 11/16
D. No. 36, 37, 206 - 9/32-24 X 7/8”
E. No. 3, 4, 33 – Thumb Screw
3.E.1. 1929-1965 – 10-30 X 7/16”
3.E.2. 1966 on – 10-32 X 7/16”
3.E.3. No. 4-02 (England) – 10-28 X 7/16
4. Locking Knob– 1/4-20 X 3/8”
5. Knob Screw – External Flat Head – 10-24 X 1”
6. Tension Wheel Lever Cap – 1/4-20 X 1/2”
7. Depth Adjusting Double Threaded Screw
A. Low Angle – No. 46, 47, 56, 57, 206B 66,1455
7.A.1. Outer Screw – 10-28 X 1” LH
7.A.2. Inner Screw – 1/4-28 X 1-1/8” LH
7.A.3. Iron Depth Adjusting Seat – 1/4-28 LH
B. Standard Angle – No. 45, 75
7.B.1. Outer Screw –10-28 X 3/4” LH
7.B.2. Inner Screw – 1/4-28 X 11/16” LH
7.B.3. Iron Depth Adjust Seat – 25/128-28 LH

Scrub Planes

No. 91/2 and No. 10-1/2

1. Knob Bolt – Double Threaded - 12-20 X 2-3/16”
2. Tote Bolt – Double Threaded – 12-20 X 3-11/16”
3. Waist Nut - 12-20
4. Lever cap Thumb Screw – 1/4-20 X 15/16”

Router Planes

No. 67 and No. 77

1. Knob Bolt
A. 1929-1941 – Double Threaded – 12-20 X 1-15/16”
B. 1942-1948 – Single Bolt – 12-20 X 2-5/16”
C. 1949 – 1964 Double Threaded = 12-20 X 2-3/16”
2. Thumb Screw
A. 1929 – 1942 Plain Surface-1/4-28 X 3/4”
B. 1943 – 1964 – Stretched Diamond - 1/4-20 X 3/4”
3. Adjustment Nut – 1/4-28
4. Fence Screw – 12-20 X 1/2”

Scraper Planes

No. 64 and No. 65

1. Locking Nut - 5/16-18
2. Handle Bolts - 1/4-20 X 1-1/4”
3. Lever Cap Screw - 5/16-18 X 3/4”

Fillister Planes

No. 85 and No.95

1. Fence Thumb Screw
A. 1933-1965 - 10-30 X 7/16”
B. 1966 on – 10-32 X 7/16”
2. Fence Rod - 1/4-20
3. Lever Cap Screw - 9/32-24 X 5/8
4. Lever Cap Tension Screw
A. 1933-1965 – 1/4-20 X 3/4 Round Thumb Screw
B. 1966 on – 1/4-20 X 1/2” Flat Thumb Screw
5. Depth Stop Screw
A. 1933-1965 – 10-30 X 1/2”
B. 1966 on – 10-28 X 1/2”
6. Spur Screw – 8-32 X1/4” (0.162-32) (21/128-32)

US Screw Size Conversion Chart

Screw Size

Decimal Inch typ-min

Nearest Fraction


#0 .060"-.0568" 1/16" 1.52mm
#1 .073"-.0692" 5/64" 1.85mm
#2 .086"-.0819" 1/16" 1.52mm
#3 .099"-.0949" 7/64" 2.51mm
#4 .112"-.1075" 7/64" 2.84mm
#5 .125"-.1202 1/8" 3.18mm
#6 .138"-.1329" 9/64" 3.51mm
#8 .164"-.158" 5/32" 4.17mm
#10 .190"-.184" 3/16" 4.83mm
#12 .216"-.2088" 7/32" 5.49mm
#14 .250"-.211" 1/4" 6.35mm