External Screw Knob

There are eight block planes with wooden knobs and a twenty-degree bedding angle that were started on or just after 1929. These planes would have had a screw thread cast into the body and a wooden knob threaded to screw onto this cast thread. The planes in question are the #07, #45, #66, #68, #75, #87, #97 and the #700. I am suggesting the time Millers Falls switched how a knob is secured to a block plane to be in the mid-forties based on what I have observed.

As always, a box with a date stamp would be helpful, but I will start this with the stamps on the irons. One big assumption I have is that MF switched from the Greenfield iron to the Solid Tool Steel iron around 1949. One or two examples do not confirm or discount a timeline. You need several examples for this to be conclusive.

I am going to list all the block planes I have that have an external knob screw. The first column is the plane number. The second column is the plant location on the iron stamp, or solid tool steel. The third column is the date range that iron was produced. The fourth column will show if an external screw was found on a plane with a particular trademark. Planes with an STS iron will always have an external screw and does not offer any evidence of an early conversion before 1949.

External screw examples


Stamp on Iron

Iron Years

Conversion to External Screw

45 STS 1948-1964 Starting 1949
75 Greenfield 1941-1948 Early - Sometime in the 40's
75 Greenfield 1941-1948 Early - Sometime in the 40's
87 STS 1948-1964 Starting 1949
87 Greenfield 1941-1948 Early - Sometime in the 40's
87 Greenfield 1941-1948 Early - Sometime in the 40's
97 Greenfield 1941-1948 Early - Sometime in the 40's
700 STS 1948-1964 Starting 1949
700 STS 1948-1964 Starting 1949
700 MF Co. 1944?-1948 Early - Between 1944 to 1948
700 MF Co. 1944?-1948 Early - Between 1944 to 1948

What does this table prove? We know the Greenfield iron was used throughout the 1940’s and so the examples above show the external knob screw was used in the 40’s. The No. 700/900/814 was switched from the Mohawk Shelburne line to the Millers Falls line sometime in the mid 40’s. I have not found a Millers Falls Co. 700 plane with a solid threaded knob, but I did find a single Mohawk Shelburne 700 plane with an external screw. This external screw Mohawk Shelburne 700 also had the casting number used on the Mohawk Shelburne line. More examples are needed with this configuration. So, my opinion the 700 was switched in the mid 40’s. Millers Falls made planes for Sears. The fall 1945 catalog shows a Dunlap 3701(#75) made by Millers Falls with an external screw securing the knob.

When did Millers Falls switch to the external screw? 1944 to 1945.