Dating a Millers Falls tool was easy for a brief time

 Primarily in the 1950’s and 1960’s, Millers Falls stamped the inside bottom of the box with the date the tool was packaged. The date format is in a numeric month and two digit year. This ink stamp also included a three to four digit numeric number. If you look at enough of these stamps, you can see the numbers are each individually stamped. This state-of-the-art approach can lead to mistakes such as reversing the year and changing the order of the three fields. I will point out a few that were found. One option on what the three to four numeric code will be entertained.

 Employee Number

The following list is a tabulation of over fifty examples taken from ink stamps found inside of boxes. The employees at Millers Falls had badges with employee numbers. One guess as to what the three or four digit numeric code is would be an employee number. You can see that some of the numbers are used over many years.

Codes inside a box

Code In Box

Date In Box

Plane Model

Plane Type

249 2/65 90B
427 11/54 75
427 10/54 9 T4
429 1/55 900 T3A
429 10/54 707 VLine
430 1/55 14 T4
430 3/55 900 T3A
430 4/55 85
430 6/55 900 T3A
430 9/55 16
430 11/55 700
430 2/56 9 T4
430 3/56 56
430 6/56 900 T3D
430 9/56 85
430 10/60 16
430 10/60 707
430 10/61 17
430 3/62 90
430 9/62 07 T2
430 11/62 900 T3E
430 2/63 14 T4
432 8/50 9C T2/2
432 10/52 07
432 11/52 900 T2D
432 12/52 900 T3A
432 7/53 814 T3A
432 11/53 900 T3A
432 4/54 900 T3A
432 3/55 75
432 4/55 900 T3A
432 9/55 400W Worthington
432 10/56 75
432 5/57 900 T3C VLine
432 8/57 55
432 6/58 22 T4
432 10/58 90
432 11/58 900 T3E
432 12/58 1455
432 2/59 90
432 7/59 56
432 7/59 36
432 9/59 90
432 10/59 707 VLine
432 10/59 1455
432 12/59 87
432 12/59 16
436 1/51 700
436 4/51 67 Blk Body/Knob
446 12/61 206B
446 12/61 900
482 10/52 814 T2C
482 9/59 90
625 5/63 700
625 10/64 33
625 2/65 4
625 9/65 900B T4A
907 10/64 37033 Sears
3625 11/66 14B T5
3625 1/66 90CBG
3625 1/66 85

I think we can put this one to rest.