No. 37 Full Adjustment Block Plane


1929 to 1959

Sole Length: 7”
Iron Width: 1-5/8”
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Bedding Angle: 20 Degrees
Adjustments: Fully Adjustable
Lever Cap Type: Knuckle Joint
Casting Number Body: 346
Cross Reference: Stanley No. 19

No. 37

The No. 37 has a knuckle joint style lever cap with a nickel finish. This plane has an adjustable mouth, a depth adjusting nut and a lateral adjustment lever. The front knob and the adjustment nut are nickel plated. The eccentric lever will have its end bent down. Only the 1-3/8 have the eccentric lever end bent up.

Type 1 configuration – 1929 - 1935

  • Millers Falls name cast in front of the finger rest knob.

  • The iron landing has a full surface with no recess.

  • Initial release has no cheek stamp, later release (1933), name and number stamped on side cheek.

  • Lateral adjustment lever has the metal folded to engage the iron slot.

  • Knuckle joint pressed steel lever cap is nickel.

  • Trademark is stamped on the front of the lever cap.

  • “Since 1868” iron trademark (see irons for more details)

Type 2 configuration starting 1936 to 1959

  • Millers Falls embossed name is removed from the bed.

  • Trademark is removed from the front of the lever cap.

  • Iron landing has a recessed area.

  • Lateral adjustment lever has a solid disk to engage the iron slot.

  • 1949 - Trademark on the iron is changed to “Solid Tool Steel”

  • The January 1960 catalog no longer lists the No. 37.

The Millers Falls No. 37 block plane has the same base structure as the No. 17 block plane.

This example of a type 2 No. 37 with a Solid Tool Steel iron was produced from 1949 to the end of 1959 when production ended.

This type 1 is from the earlies release. It features the Millers Falls name embossed around the knob, the “Since 1868” no touch trademark stamped on the steel knuckle lever cap, an iron with eleven adjustment grooves on the back and the “Since 1868” trademark without the company name on the top.