No. 2 Spokeshave

No. 2 Spokeshave Production 1894 to 1928*

Length 11” Iron Width is 2”

The unique feature of the No. 2 spokeshave is the removable sole plate. This sole plate has a tenon at each end that slides into groves in the body. The sole plate has four different profiles: one flat, two convex, and one concave profile. The round sections are designed to remove material from the inside of an arch whereas the flat surface would do the outside of an arch as well as flat stock. Patented on November 14, 1893 (no. 508,427), it was invented by Herbert Lanfair. The 1894 catalog describes the No. 2 this way:

“This Shave has a throat regulator which will present to the knife four faces: one flat, two oval or convex and one concave. With either face a wide or narrow throat may be had. The regulator can be changed in a moment by use of the two thumb screws, as seen in the cut. The knife is also adjustable by screw like other shaves. Either handle may be taken off to work in cramped places. The body of the tool and metal tips to the cocobolo handles are polished and nickel-plated. All that any other shave will do, this will also do, and then it will do some more.”

Unlike other spokeshaves that adjust the iron either mechanically or manually, this spokeshave has an adjustable sole that controls the bed profile and the opening for the mouth. The depth of the iron needs to be set related to how the sole is set to take a light shaving. If you are using this for the first time, understand you are setting the depth of cut, mouth opening and setting the sole based on what you want to accomplish. Practice, practice, and then practice some more.

* The 1925 catalog lists the No. 2. The 1929 catalog does not carry the No. 2.

Now to try and date these based on the trademarks and the features found on the spokeshave.

  1. The earlies version has the Millers Falls Co. as “MF CO. MILLERS FALLS MASS / PAT FEB 19, 1884”. EST 1894.

  2. The Star years will have the Millers Falls Tool Star trademark with the stamp “MILLERS FALLS CO. / MILLERS FALLS MASS. USA”. EST 1914.

  3. The last trademark has the “SINCE 1868” no touch triangle. EST 1921.