Millers Falls Planes
The History, Studies and Research About the Planes Made by the Millers Falls Co.
Excellence In Craftsmanship
The content of this site is a collection of information related to the production of the Millers Falls planes.

Millers Falls Foundry
In 1929, Millers Falls added forty-six planes consisting of eighteen bench planes, twenty-two block planes and six specialty planes to its tool lineup. This website will analyze these planes and the eleven additional planes added to the lineup prior to the 1966 “B” version years. In 1966, the company changed the configuration of their planes and these planes will also be described in full detail.
Millers Falls as well as several other manufacturers supplied tools to retail chain stores under the name of that retail store. To date, Millers Falls rebranded planes to at least six different stores with ten named lines .
The over eighty pages on this web site are accessible from a multi-level menu at the top of every page. A floating “Back To Top” button is located at the top right on every page to scroll back to the top of the current page. Use the browser back button or the header navigation menu to return to the previous page. Also, only one window or tab will be displayed.
It is important to look at the “Terms” page to understand the distinctive features explained throughout this website.
The bench plane page has links to every primary and secondary bench plane in the Millers Falls lineup. Each model will outline the history and the different types of the plane.
The block planes page includes links to every block plane under the Millers Falls name. The page also has four grouping links which combine all the planes with similar features.
The specialty planes include the planes outside the usual bench and block planes. These include scrub planes, scraper planes, router planes, fillister planes and spokeshaves.
This type study looks in detail about the premium line of the Millers Falls bench planes. The study isolates the main components and breaks down the differences through the six distinct types.
This study shows the different trademarks used and features found on the premium line of both bench and block planes as well as the trademarks found on the secondary line.
A look at the knobs and totes used on the Millers Falls primary and secondary line of planes. Average dimensions and the shapes are shown across the six different types
Several companies sold Millers Falls planes under their trademark. This section will explore who these companies were and which of the Millers Falls planes were sold under their name.
This page shows a clear definition of the features found on both block and bench planes throughout this web site. Many of the terms are unique to only Millers Falls planes
On the cast iron planes, you may see a number cast into the part. There may be one, two or three numbers. One of those numbers will probably be the casting number assigned to that part.
Millers Falls shipped all their planes in a box. Over the years, the design on the box would change which helps us date when this tool was manufactured.
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